Russian port’s dues rates increasing according to Federal Anti- Monopoly Service order

According to administrative order issued by Russian Federal Anti-Monopoly Service (FAS), the new rates of obligatory port dues were established, it concerns harbor services in Russian seaports provided by FSUE “Rosmorport”.
Brief info: Federal State Unitary Enterprise (FSUE) “Rosmorport” is natural monopoly entity in marine transport related field in Russian Federation. The enterprise primary goal is providing services for ensuring safe navigation and infrastructure sustainability in Russian seaport’s approach harbors and inner harbors, seaport’s infrastructure projects development and application. Also “Rosmorport” provides the pilotage services, which is obligatory in Russian seaports, icebreaker’s assistance during the winter navigation and in High North region, port’s channels dredging, etc.
The order will come into a legal force from 27th of June, 2016. The rates’ increasing affects all Russian seaports applicable to foreign direction freight portcalls, the overall rates’ average weighted mean of increasing is up to 5%, calculated in rubles.
Regarding the portcalls seaport Arkhangelsk, the average weighted mean of proforma disbursement account increase (bss on new obligatory port dues rates) is in 2%-3% delta; all other things except the obligatory dues are constant in our calculations and all costs taken in rubles. Delta is relevant for any vessel’s type permitted for sailing in Arkhangelsk’s port, both the summer and winter navigation period. We can claim that the increase is not so crucial, and even can be lost in EUR/RUB rate of exchange fluctuations. The port Arkhangelsk rates’ comparison chart (before/after) is also attached for your information.