Preparation for summer navigation year 2014

«Polar Trans» LLC starts the intensive stages attainment for summer navigation year 2014. The top-priority target is the shipment line development from Arkhangelsk port to White and Barents port stations, either Solovki.
The port stations distinctive aspects are the shallow, the lack of proper crane and handling equipment, the deficiency of proper approach channels, inaccessibility from the mainland.
By these special conditions, «Polar Trans» LLC obtain for beneficial ownership the motor vessel «Ostrovnoy».
The m/v brings into accordance with class of river-sea navigation, possesses the big sea endurance and low draft, but then capable to take in all cargo types with sufficient amount for transportation. Also m/v carries the crane equipment, which allows to discharge cargo to the port stations, which are not proper for such operations on the first sight.
«Polar Trans» LLC has the solid experience in lining shipment, and all experience will be fully employed for shipment organization to Barents and White sea stations, and to the Solovki foremost. In our case, you are not ought to adjust your actions, cargo and route for the carries, but we as the carrier adjusts our actions by your requests.
The full vessel’s particulars and additional details you can see here.
Also you have possibility to make the the request by link.